The Church of the Holy Ascension
Russian Orthodox Old-Rite Church
Старообрадческая Православная Церковь
Tone 8 Stichera to the Resurrection

Bring my soul out ot prison, * that I may confess Thy name.

An evening hymn, and rational adoration, do we offer unto Thee O Christ; for Thou wast well-pleased to have mercy on us, through the Resurrection.


The righteous shall wait patiently for me, * until Thou shalt reward me.

O Lord O Lord, cast us not away from Thy face; but be well-pleased to have mercy on us, through the Resurrection.


Out of the depths have I cried unto Thee O Lord, * O Lord hear My voice.

Rejoice O holy Zion, thou mother of the churches, and dwelling-place of God; for thou wast the first to receive remission of sins, through the Resurrection.